- Justus Beyer
- Richard Varbelow
Cloud Gaming is a paradigm shift in that games are not executed on the player’s device but on a remote server, which delivers a live video stream of the game over the network to the client and takes input commands in return. We present the first truly mobile open-source cloud gaming system, which runs instances of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) mobile operating system in the cloud and delivers their output in real time to clients running a lightweight display software. Incorporating AOSP allows using this platform to stream innumerable existing Android mobile games which are designed with touch interfaces and mobile usage scenarios in mind. Utilizing a base of mature open-source components, our platform can be configured and manipulated in any conceivable manner.
Beyer, J., Varbelow, R., “Stream-A-Game: An open-source mobile Cloud Gaming platform,” in: Proc. of the 14th International Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames 2015), Dec. 3-4, Zagreb, Croatia, 2015.
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