After Xcode-Update to 4.3 xcodebuild fails

The recent update to Xcode 4.3 marks a change in how Apple sets up developer systems. Until now all development-specific stuff (libraries, headers, Xcode itself, …) resided in /Developer. With 4.3 that directory is obsolete. The new directory is:


So if you use command line build tools like xcodebuild and see errors like this:

Error: No developer directory found at /Developer. Run /usr/bin/xcode-select to update the developer directory path.

… you might need to tell the system about the new path:

sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/

3 thoughts on “After Xcode-Update to 4.3 xcodebuild fails

  1. hi there, i just lost the original file /usr/bin/xcodebuild after installing xcode via mac app store, could you please email one for me?best wishes!

  2. $sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/
    $cd /usr/bin
    $sudo rm xcodebuild
    $ln -s /Applications/ xcodebuild

    it works , no problem to run
    $sudo port install wine

    thanks a lot

  3. Pingback: dyld issues library not loaded | PHP Developer Resource

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